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Safety, occupational health and environmental policy
BOXES GLOBAL LOGISTICS SRL (BGL) is committed to a people-centered business management that protects the life and health of its own workers and those of its contractors, as well as other people in the vicinity of its operations. Likewise, it is committed to respecting the environment and seeking continuous improvement in these matters.
To this end, each of its current and future work and business centers in Peru and abroad, develops its management based on the following commitments:
- Maintain a visible, effective and permanent leadership in safety, occupational health and environmental management as part of BGL’s responsibility.
- Comply with the legislation in force and with the commitments voluntarily subscribed in safety, occupational health and environmental matters, collaborating with the authorities in this regard.
- Maintain auditable safety, occupational health and environmental management systems, effectively integrated to daily and regular management, within a framework of preventive action and continuous improvement.
- Ensure that no operational emergency justifies a worker being exposed to uncontrolled risks.
- Identify, evaluate and control the hazards, risks, aspects and impacts of its activities, products and services that affect safety, health and the environment, requiring effective performance in compliance with action programs.
- Establish preparedness and response mechanisms for potential accidents or emergency situations.
- Demand responsible conduct in safety, occupational health and environmental matters from contractors.
- Maintain reliable, clear and timely communication and information with its workers, contractors, customers, suppliers, authorities, the community and other interested parties.
- To reduce or eliminate the generation of waste, preferably acting at the source, seeking its reuse or recycling and the environmentally safe disposal of its final waste.
- Consider the use of clean technologies, the efficient use of resources and the use of safety, occupational health and environmental protection criteria in its processes, and in all stages of development of new businesses or projects.
- Disseminate and promote the commitments of this Policy among its employees, contractors, suppliers and customers.
The responsibility for the implementation of these commitments corresponds to the entire management line of BOXES GLOBAL LOGISTIC SRL. All members or collaborators of this organization must commit to and comply with this Policy.
Corporate compliance policy
The purpose of this policy is to establish the guidelines to be followed by the employees of BOXES GLOBAL LOGISTICS SRL – BGL PERU. The purpose is to prevent and detect, in a timely manner, acts related to corruption, money laundering, bribery, financing of terrorism, environmental contamination and acts against food safety, thus complying with applicable legislation, in particular, establishing guidelines for prevention activities and to comply with the provisions of Law 30424, as amended by Legislative Decree 1352, a transcendental rule that serves as the basis for the formulation of this document.
The scope of application is extended to all members of BGL PERU and the entities that from time to time make up its business group, as well as all contracted and subcontracted personnel, related agents, partners, collaborators, prescribers and other individuals and legal entities that act in an authorized manner in the name or on behalf of our organization.
It is hereby established that BGL PERU does not make and will not make any kind of contributions or donations for the financing of political parties or campaigns. In this sense, the specific objectives of this policy are as follows:
- Define the principles and rules to identify and prevent potential acts of: Corruption, money laundering, bribery, financing of terrorism, against the environment and food safety, in order to protect the integrity, image and reputation of BGL PERU.
- Establish control plans to address the risks of corruption, money laundering, bribery, financing of terrorism, environmental and food safety risks to which our organization is subject when the evaluation performed periodically shows a result above a low level, with the objective of eliminating, reducing and/or mitigating them.
- To establish the guidelines to be followed by the employees of BGL PERU in order to prevent and detect, in a timely manner, acts related to corruption, money laundering, bribery, financing of terrorism and environmental contamination, thus complying with applicable legislation, especially by establishing guidelines for prevention activities.
- To train and raise awareness among our members, professionals, managers, shareholders, business partners and the like about the risks of corruption, money laundering, bribery, financing of terrorism and acts against the environment and food safety to which their actions are exposed, as well as about the appropriate response mechanisms established by our organization.
- Ensure that BGL PERU complies with current regulations in the following aspects: Anti-corruption, money laundering, bribery, financing of terrorism and acts against the environment and food safety of the countries or markets where it operates, specifically Law N°30424 as amended by Legislative Decree 1352 and its possible amendments.
Risk Management and Compliance Officer
At BGL PERU We identify and periodically evaluate the various acts of corruption, prevention of money laundering, financing of terrorism and acts that threaten the environment and food safety, to which our activities are exposed, document the results in our RISK MATRIX and establish control plans for the risks evaluated above low risk with the clear objective of preventing and reducing their probability of occurrence, as well as to establish monitoring and control mechanisms.
As a result of the internal and external mechanisms for evaluating the effectiveness of our MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, as well as based on the information gathered, analyzed and evaluated, we have established measures and we are committed to continuously improve its effectiveness, with the aim of creating a real living system capable of adapting to the changing circumstances of the market and to the improvements, opportunities and failures detected.
For the maximum guarantee of independence, a specific position has been designated within our organization chart, called Compliance Officer, a position endowed with adequate capacity, independence and authority so that, reporting directly to the Ethics Committee, it ensures the correct implementation and improvement of our MANAGEMENT SYSTEM according to the defined and agreed requirements.
The designated Compliance Officer is available to all members of our organization to advise, guide and support them in matters of ethical performance and compliance.
Likewise, our organization will have all the necessary resources, in a proportionate manner, to carry out the actions, measures and controls planned in our RISK CONTROL MAP.
Code of Conduct and Ethics
In BGL PERU we have a CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICS in force and approved by the Ethics Committee, applicable to all our members, of which they are informed upon joining the company.
Said CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICS applies to all BGL PERU personnel, without prejudice to the legal consequences that may apply to them for those acts, facts or behaviors that violate the law.
In this sense, we have a disciplinary system, of which the members of BGL PERU are informed.to sanction conduct contrary to the provisions of this POLICY and the CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICS and non-compliance with the remaining requirements of the MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, including criminal conduct, and shall be applied in an equitable and proportional manner, under the principle of non-discrimination and respecting the applicable labor legislation. Sanctioning measures are established in the Code of Conduct and Ethics of BGL PERU.
Likewise, within this Policy we include some Guidelines of Conduct:
Contractors, suppliers and business partners must be hired through a fair and formal selection process that includes, where appropriate, written anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, anti-bribery, anti-terrorist financing and environmental contamination requirements.
It is the duty of employees to ensure that all activities and transactions are duly authorized, properly recorded and carried out in accordance with BGL PERU‘s policies.
BGL PERU must perform a due diligence procedure for the implementation of controls on corruption, money laundering, bribery, financing of terrorism and environmental contamination in the organization to be acquired or absorbed, as well as when entering into any business collaboration agreement or creating a new organization with another shareholder.
To this end, the Legal Area and/or the area that promotes these contracts must inform the Compliance Officer so that he/she may supervise, control and follow up on the due diligence. This procedure must be documented and guarded by the Compliance Officer.
Business collaboration is understood as the different forms of business collaboration that BGL PERU enter into a business agreement, joint venture, consortium or other similar forms with another natural or legal person that implies that BGL PERU with another natural or legal person will carry out joint business activities and will participate in the management, administration, execution, responsibilities and profits of such joint business.
The employees of BGL PERU are responsible for ensuring compliance with the provisions of this Policy with third parties with whom they have relationships. Therefore, they must have a written contract, which formally reflects the scope of the services to be performed, the payment terms and the clause on compliance with BGL PERU‘s anti-corruption policies. BGL PERU expressly declares that facilitation payments are prohibited.
BGL PERU and its employees must refuse direct or indirect requests for bribes from third parties, including public officials and close people, even in the case of being extorted with unfavorable actions.
BGL PERU is aware that it may occur in some cases that not agreeing to the payment of a bribe may jeopardize the employee’s welfare and safety. Should you find yourself in this situation, HAYDUK will notify this circumstance to the competent authority.
The employees of BGL PERU are responsible for watching over, reviewing and performing due diligence when, in the performance of their duties, they have suspicions or warning signs that BGL PERU is intended to be used for money laundering or terrorist financing activities. In such cases, they must inform the Compliance Officer, without prejudice to the use of whistle-blowing channels.
BGL PERU is committed to develop, document, maintain and continually improve its internal financial controls to ensure that all payments are accurately recorded in the Organization’s books and accounting records. All payments must be recorded correctly and transparently. In this regard, all records must have supporting information such as receipts, orders or other applicable documents.
BGL PERU prohibits the recording or authorization of false or misleading entries in the operating records or accounting with the purpose of concealing improper payments.
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